Contact me for availability. Pickup is in Newport, Tennessee. Transport is available through a third party.
Our rabbits are handled with love and care and given the best lives we can offer. They are friendly and tame and tolerate being held (most of the time).
Holland Lop Rabbits
Purebred and Pedigreed. Papers given upon request.
Contact for prices and availability.
These adorable rabbits have wonderful personalities and make great pets. Beginner friendly and easy to train.

Continental Giant Rabbits
Purebred and Pedigreed. Papers given upon request.
Contact for prices and availability.
These rabbits grow to 20 pounds+ but are known as gentle giants. They are bigger than Flemish Giants. Continental Giant rabbits are the biggest rabbit breed in the world and extremely rare.
Netherland Dwarf Rabbits
Purebred and Pedigreed. Papers given upon request.
Contact for prices and availability.
These tiny things usually weigh about 2 pounds. A very popular breed, and the smallest breed of rabbits available.

Rex Rabbits
Purebred and Pedigreed. Papers given upon request.
Contact for prices and availability.
This breed is known for its velvety plush fur. They are also friendly and affectionate!
More Rabbits and Fertilizer
We have New Zealand, New Zealand White, Californian, and Tamuk. Our meat rabbits are bred to grow big and have big litters. They are expected to grow to 12 pounds and have litters of 12.
Fertilizer AKA Rabbit Poop AKA Bunny Berries are also available.